
Tailor-made training

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ENAP is currently offering three training courses, one for indigenous managers and others for non-indigenous public administration employees keen to better understand the realities of indigenous public administration. Other training courses will be offered in the near future.

Public management in an indigenous context

This program is designed to enhance the skills expected of people who occupy or aspire to occupy management positions in an Indigenous public or parapublic organization.

More specifically, the program enables : – a deeper understanding of some of the fundamentals of public administration; – gain a better understanding of the contemporary challenges facing indigenous public and parapublic administration; – grasp the dynamics of relations between Indigenous public and parapublic organizations and federal, provincial and municipal public and parapublic institutions; – master certain processes and principles relating to the management of resources required for the efficient delivery of quality services by these organizations; – consolidate management skills.

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Public administrations and Indigenous Nations: acting together

The issues surrounding relations between Indigenous peoples and public administrations in Quebec and Canada have become salient. Perceived at first as policy “objects” before the 1960s, Indigenous peoples have become real policy “subjects,” forming real governments and becoming true partners of the Quebec and Canadian governments. However, while the social, political and economic conditions of indigenous peoples have improved over the past fifty years, the relationship between the Quebec government, the Canadian government and indigenous governments raises highly complex issues. This summer school proposes to explore these issues from the perspective of public administrators who, to support the development of Indigenous peoples, must deal with a complex constitutional and legal framework whose ramifications are both national and international.

This summer school is designed to bring together civil servants from the Quebec and Canadian governments and representatives of Indigenous governments and organizations. It aims to familiarize participants with the issues that characterize relations between non-indigenous governments and Indigenous communities, and to reflect on these issues and on possible solutions that can be implemented in a partnership perspective.

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Public administration and reconciliation with indigenous peoples

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (mandated by the federal government) and, more recently, the Commission of Inquiry into relations between Indigenous peoples and certain public services in Quebec (mandated by the Quebec government) have brought to light both the presence of a certain systemic racism in public organizations, and the need for these organizations to rethink their relations with Indigenous communities. While the reports of these commissions have made many recommendations and calls for action, understanding what reconciliation means, and what role public administrations should play in reconciling with indigenous peoples, remains a challenge.

This course is an opportunity to first step back and understand the concept of reconciliation, and to look at the various ways in which it has been implemented internationally (in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts). It is then an opportunity to meet with indigenous stakeholders, to discuss what reconciliation means for public administration, to analyze the actions that need to be taken in this direction, and above all to determine how these actions should be co-developed with indigenous communities.

Finally, this course leads participants to question the relevance of actions aimed at reconciliation without full political recognition of the right to self-determination of indigenous peoples.

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